Dienstag, 10. Juli 2018

Myc protein

Myc protein

MYC - Myc proto-oncogene protein - Homo sapiens (Human) - MYC. MYC - DocCheck Flexikon C-myc ist als Transkriptionsfaktor an der Regulation von ca. MYC protein and proteins antigenically related with MYC in acute. Transcription factor that binds DNA in a non-specific manner, yet also specifically recognizes the core sequence -CACGATG -3.

The protein encoded by this gene is a multifunctional, nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a role in cell cycle progression, apoptosis and cellular. MYC protein and proteins antigenically related with MYC in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Myc MYC ist ein menschliches Gen, das für ein Protein (MYC, früher auch c-Myc) codiert, welches die Expression anderer Gene verstärkt.

Es bindet dafür an die Enhancer-Box-Sequenzen der DNA. The protein encoded by this gene is a multifunctional, nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a. Myc - , the free encyclopedia Myc (c-Myc) is a regulator gene that codes for a transcription factor.

Zielgene des Proto-Onkogens c-myc


The MYC family of proteins is a group of basic-helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper transcription factors that feature prominently in cancer. Oncogene - Apoptotic signaling by c-MYC - Nature The c-MYC protein is a transcription factor that both activates and represses target genes, using several mechanisms including recruitment of histone acetylases. MYC v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog. Zielgene des Proto-Onkogens c-myc Zielgene des Proto-Onkogens c-myc: Von der genomweiten Analyse zur ribosomalen.

Data show that broad association of myc proto-oncogene protein MYC with chromatin depends on interaction with the WD40-repeat protein. Alpha-Alanin ist eine nicht-essentielle Aminosäure und übernimmt. Astigmatismus ) ist eine weit verbreitete Sehschwäche. Autoimmunerkrankungen: Wenn Wunden nicht heilen - Focus. Biolectra Magnesium 3Kapseln 1stk Online Apotheke.

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Oncogene - Apoptotic signaling by c-MYC - Nature

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MYC - DocCheck Flexikon

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Mammalian MYC Proteins and Cancer

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