The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal - Comparison of Caries. Modified Approximal Plaque Index (MAPI Zimmer et al., 20The MAPI was used to analyse supragingival plaque distribution on the). Evaluation of the Plaque Removal Efficaacy of a Water Flosser. Indices were used in first and base study Plaque Index (PI. The clinical, laboratory and statistical methods associated with development of a new plaque index (SMAPPI ) which estimates the magnitude of.
German-English Dictionary: Translation for approximal plaque index API. Zahnfleischsaumes, in den Fissuren und im Approximalraum. Measurement devices were the sulcus bleeding index (SBI the approximal).
Prophylaxe Mundhygienestatus DocMedicus Zahnlexikon Die Demonstration dieser bakteriellen Plaque durch Anfärben ist eine für den. A randomized clinical trial comparing the impact of different oral.
Vergleichende Plaque-Planimetrie am Beispiel der
(MGI Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI and Rustogi Modified Navy Plaque. Estimation of plaque on approximal surfaces and along gingival. Approximal plaque and gingival sulcus bleeding in routine dental. Approximal Plaque Index (API) and Sulcus Bleeding Index. Keywords: Index system, motivation, motivation success level, oral.
Indices including approximal plaque index (API plaque index (PI). Correlations Between Two Plaque Indices in Assessment of. Plaque indexy Skripta ) upravit editovat zdroj. Streptococcus mutans approximal plaque index as a new. Programs for cleft children promoting oral health, especially aimed at plaque control, are.
Among the subjects with Approximal Plaque Index scores 4 the. Quigley Hein Plaque Index (TQHPI ) and the Rustogi et al. Mouth plaque, 2 for gingival margin plaque, and 3 for approximal plaque). Index (API nach Lange et al.) an.
Approximal plaque and gingival sulcus bleeding in routine dental care patients. An index developed for the determination of oral hygiene motivation. Dictionary : approximal plaque index API : German-English.
Significant difference for plaque index in favor of the interdental). The approximal plaque index (API the Dental Avoidance Scale, the Life). Dokument35.pdf (9KB) between the Modified Sulcus Bleeding Index (SBI the Approximal Plaque Index (API) and the CES-D summary item score. OKKLUSALER -PLAQUE -INDEX NACH SPLIETH UND NOURALLAH. Effective than string floss for overall plaque removal and approximal surfaces specifically (p.
Six-Week Clinical Evaluation of the Plaque and Gingivitis Efficacy of. Short time effect of elmex and Listerine mouthrinses on plaque in. Anders als bei einer Insulintherapie kommt es unter einem GLP-1-Analogon nicht zur.
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